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Advantage Multi (Advocate) Dogs 8.8-22lbs (4-10kg) - 12 Pack

Advantage Multi for dogs prevents parasite infections, fleas, heartworm, gastrointestinal worms, mites and lice.

Срок годности: 01/2026
Advantage Multi — это первый продукт, о котором вам нужно вспомнить, когда речь зайдет о защите своей пушистой собачонки от паразитов, таких как:
  • Fleas
  • Ушной моли
  • Сердечные гельминты
  • Treats and prevents Lungworm
  • Желудочно-кишечные черви
  • власоглав
Это мощное местное средство, наносимое раз в месяц, доказало свою эффективность против паразитов, потенциально угрожающих жизни. Так что закажите его прямо сейчас!
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Вопросы и ответы (16)
What age can I start puppies on this?
Advocate is safe to use in puppies from 7 weeks of age.
Does this also apply to tapeworms? I can not see any comment about it.
Advantage Multi doesn't cover tapeworms. In fact not many combo products (Tick/Flea + de-worming products) offer tapeworm protection or treatments. We recommend Milbemax or Drontal de-worming products with Advantage Multi if you have tapeworm risk.
Does this product protect against ticks?
Advantage Multi protects against fleas, heartworms and intestinal worms. It doesn't cover tikcs.
Is this waterproof
Advocate / Advantage Multi are completely waterproof hence, your dog can swim, get wet, even be bathed without the need for re-application of the treatment. However, your pet should not be allowed to swim or be shampooed within 48 hours after treatment.
Does Advocate prevent/kill hookworms, roundworms, whipworms, treat Dirofilaria immitis circulating microilariae, control sarcoptic mange?
Yes, Advocate covers all of the above.
Product Reviews (13)
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emily toran
Отличный продукт с отличной стоимостью
Kelly Pidgeon
Great product and great price!!!
roman bulak
Maria Norris
Great! Excellent value, great product, fast delivery 😁
Cindy Buysen
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