Stronghold kills the adult fleas and stops any viable eggs being produced. It also kills the larval stages of the flea so it stops reproduction and breaks the flea life cycle.
By Byurion 15 Oct 2020
Будет ли это работать и на ленточных червях?
Stronghold doesn't cover tapeworm. In fact, not many combo treatments work on tapeworms. You can use Stronghold with Profender if you have a tapeworm issue.
By Jakeon 02 Aug 2020
Révolution 2, m’est recommandé pour traiter mes 5 chats de 9 a 25 livres , contre les puces, vers, mites et tiques. Est-ce que ce produit est est un équivalent tout aussi efficace ?
c'est le même produit de marque pour le Royaume-Uni
By Mina P.on 14 May 2020
будет ли это лечить стригущий лишай? Кто-то сказал, что это будет
This would assist with:
Fleas--adults, eggs, and larvae
Intestinal worms—hookworm and roundworm
Ear mites
Biting lice
It would be best to consult with your vet as to the best treatment for Ringworm
By Hattie L. G.on 15 Apr 2020
Does stronghold for cats kill the cheyletiella mites?
Yes, it does. The active ingredient Selamectin is effective in treating Cheyletiella mites.