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Pet Ковш Блог

4 Советы о том, как дать своим кошачьим каплям

 Даниэль 25 июня 2014 |
Giving cats eye drops is most people’s idea of a nightmare. Our feline friends aren’t generally keen on being restrained, having their eyes prodded and something wet put close. What normally ensures is a squirming, clawing wrestling session, with kitty running away and hiding and the tube of ointment sprayed everywhere, with not a drop in your pet’s eyes.
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All is not lost! We at Petbucket have some great suggestions to help you treat your cat’s eyes, beginning with:
1. Position Your Cat Correctly
The first step to successfully getting eye drops in your cat’s eye is to hold them so they can’t scamper away when they see the ointment coming – or dig their claws into your flesh!
It is best to put the cat on a table (or your lap if you trust them to keep their claws sheathed), wrapping your arm around their body to keep them still.

Пеленальные его или ее в полотенце является хорошим способом также держать их безопасности и предотвращения царапин при перемещении ужасной капельницу ближе.
Make sure the space behind your cat is blocked so they cannot back out and flee that way.
If you can get someone else to help you hold your cat, especially at first, this can also make the process easier.
2. Correct Eye Drop Technique

With one hand, hold your cat’s head from under the jaw and use your thumb to push up towards the eye. This will create a little pouch in the lower eyelid, which can be seen above. Being careful not to touch your cat’s eye, place the tip of the applicator just above the bottom lid. Then squeeze the dropper quickly and gently (so it doesn’t squirt too much ointment). Your cat will blink, distributing the drop over the eye.
Once you are finished do not let go of your cat immediately. If you do it is likely they will immediately paw at their eyes, disturbing the liquid you just dropped in, meaning you have to begin again.
3. Use Rewards
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Your cat is not going to love getting eye drops, but you can make it less than awful by praising your cat throughout the experience and giving them a treat at the end. If they associate the dropper with some positives that balance the negatives, they may not be so unwilling when they see you coming to give them their medication.
4. Have Patience
В случае глазных капель, не ожидать, что ваши первые несколько попыток, чтобы идти гладко. Это может быть нервный опыт нарушающие покой для Вашей кошки и трудно для владельцев, чтобы держать кошку и манипулировать капельницы сразу. Но это важно для вас, чтобы сохраняться, если глазные капли были предписаны, то они имеют важное значение для здоровья вашей кошки.


Prottoy - Comment
Prottoy25 Feb 2018Reply
Are eye drops likely to cause nasal congestion in cats? If it does, any advice on reducing the damage?

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