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Что вам нужно знать о Pet Кремация

 Хайме на 23 июля 2014 |
The death of a family pet is a tragic event that produces significant emotions in many animal lovers. As part of the grieving process, you need to decide what to do with the remains of your beloved pet. Many families and individuals will decide to bu...

Миф Разорение Кошки и Solitude

 Хайме на 22 июля 2014 |
There are a number of myths that exist about pets and their owners. Dogs are viewed as great family pets because their f...

Собаки и тазобедренного сустава

 Хайме на 22 июля 2014 |
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The human body is a complex system that consists of a highly integrated musculoskeletal system that makes all movement p...

Где лучше оставить вашу кошку Когда вы идете в отпуск

 Хайме на 22 июля 2014 |
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Going away on holiday should be a relaxing time for your cat as well as yourself. As a cat owner, it can be really difficult to decide where your cat should stay while you're away and who should be in charge of looking after your precious feline frie...

Что делать, если Ваша собака кусает другую собаку

 Симоне на 21 июля 2014 |
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The majority of pet dogs will be happy and healthy and, if socialised properly, will have pleasant and trouble-free inte...

4 способа знать, если ваша собака Счастливый

 Хайме на 21 июля 2014 |
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Throughout your dog's life you are going to be struggling to determine its mood. Whether your dog is happy, sad, or mad,...

Кошки и болезни сердца

 Хайме на 21 июля 2014 |
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Cardiomyopathy is the most common type of heart disease that appears in cats, but it can develop in a range of different forms and the causes, treatments and prognosis can be quite diverse. Here's what you need to know about heart disease in cats. T...

Как правильно выбрать котенка

 Мишелем на 20 июля 2014 |
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When you decide to adopt a kitten, there’s several things you should consider besides which one is the cutest. That ador...

Деформации Каркасные у кошек

 Даниэль на 19 июля 2014 |
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A number of skeletal deformities can affect the health of cats. Whilst not common ailments, deformities either genetical...

Как помочь Cat Справиться с жарой

 Хайме на 18 июля 2014 |
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As we approach the middle of summer and the temperatures really begin to soar, spare a thought for your feline friend who may be suffering the effects of the heat much worse than you are… Cats sweat through their paws so it can be difficult to detec...
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