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Pet Ковш Блог

Создание заставки: Вода Любить Турецкий ван

 Микеле на 20 июня 2014 |
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You may think that all cats hate water but the gorgeous Turkish Van, or swimming cat as it is sometimes nicknamed, is sure to convince you otherwise. This athletic, muscular and highly active cat has a natural affinity for water. In fact, these super...

7 вещей, которые наши домашние животные могут научить нас

 Симоне 19 июня 2014 |
Anyone who shares their life with a pet, or who has ever spent time with a pet, knows that animals enrich our lives. Res...

Если вы выбираете мужчина или женщина собака?

 Хайме 19 июня 2014 |
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When people consider getting a dog, the question always arises: male or female: which is best?  The answer is always tha...

7 пути решения Bad Dog Breath

 Хайме 19 июня 2014 |
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Almost every dog owner has faced the problem of doggy bad breath at one time or another. Most veterinarians advise getting your dog used to having their teeth brushed from a young age, but when this is not a workable solution, you can find other ways...

Как Detangle пальто Вашей кошки

 Хайме 18 июня 2014 |
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Matted fur can be a huge problem for longhaired cats, but shorthaired cats aren’t immune from tangled, matted fur. If le...

5 основных предметов Каждый владелец нового щенка должен иметь

 Хайме 18 июня 2014 |
 A puppy is an exciting addition to your family and can bring a lot of joy to your life.  However, you have to make sure...

5 советов, чтобы держать вашу кошку активной

 Хайме 17 июня 2014 |
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It's no secret that keeping cats active can be a chore. Unlike dogs who fetch, like to go on walks, and are generally rather active, cats don't always seem to enjoy being active. Unfortunately, lack of activity in cats can lead to obesity and, as a r...

Dos & Этикет Вокруг служебных собак

 Симоне 17 июня 2014 |
Many of us are familiar with guide dogs assisting people with vision impairment or blindness, but animals are increasing...

4 простых совета для знакомства с новыми кошками

 Микеле на 17 июня 2014 |
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After saying a sad goodbye to my beloved cat of 20 years, I recently adopted a female 5-month old rescue kitten to cheer...

Опасности глистов в домашних

 Хайме 20 июня 2014 |
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Heartworm is a serious and potentially fatal condition that affects both dogs and cats. Heartworm is an internal parasite that lives in the host's heart and pulmonary arteries. If left untreated, a heartworm infection can lead to complications such a...
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