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Filtered by tag ('health and wellbeing')

Собака Депрессия: общие признаки, причины и простые решения

 по Вай на 06 января 2014 |
Dogs, like people and many other animals, get depressed. Major change, a substantial loss, or even the weather can create prolonged, intense sadness in canines. Fortunately, dog depression symptoms are easy to recognize and solutions are usually evid...

5 Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat

 by wai on 18 Dec 2013 |
All of us want our dogs to be healthy and happy, but it can be quite a struggle to resist the temptation to give your fu...

Может Собаки Поймать червей от кошек?

 by wai on 03 Dec 2013 |
There are several types of worms that dogs can become infected with including tapeworms, hookworms, roundworms, whipworm...

Why Won’t Kitty Keep Clean?

 по Вай 05 ноября 2013 |
One of the determining factors between being a cat person or a dog person is the propensity for pet purification. If you’re the type of individual that doesn’t mind weekly scrub-downs, dog ownership probably wouldn’t be an odd fit. If, on the other h...

Emotional Support Animals

 по Вай 19 окт 2013 |
This might be news to you, but apparently there are some laws on the books that say any animal with a vest on is legally...

Pet Behavioral Medication: Pros and Cons

 by zack on 11 Oct 2013 |
So today I felt like touching on a subject with a little bit of controversy attached to it. Full disclosure: this is a t...

The Mechanics of Medical Massage for Pets

 by zack on 03 Aug 2013 |
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Pets are cuddle fiends. They are attention hounds, quite literally, and all of their time is spent devising ways to retrieve pettings. If our rough hair tussling and soft scratches feel so good, how do you think they would react to medical massage? T...

Scaredy Cat: How to Handle a Frightened Feline

 Заком 19 июля 2013 |
Cats have a lot of stereotypes surrounding them. They’re considered curious, mischievous, mystical, and even regal. Howe...

Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?

 Заком 10 июля 2013 |
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We all know that dogs have certain proclivities in regards to their eating habits. Sometimes that can’t help but snack o...

Your Cat may Actually be Driving You Crazy.

 Заком 07 июля 2013 |
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Here’s a frightening thought: your housecat is host to a parasite that can infect you, and in so doing affect your brain function, making you more impulsive, promiscuous, less attentive, less intelligent, and possibly suicidal. Sounds like something ...
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