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Filtered by tag ('cat')

How to help your cat lose weight

 Джеймс, 06 окт.2021 г. |
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Indoor cats live longer lives, but are more prone to pack on extra weight. Here are a few tips to help keep Kitty lose weight gradually. How to help your cat lose weight Keeping your cat indoors can help him live a longer life, but housecats are pr...

Почему моя кошка мочится вне лотка?

 Дженнифер, 03 сен 2021 |
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Most cat owners have struggled with their pet not using the litter box, but this can be your cat’s way of saying somethi...

Why does my cat smell bad?

 by jennifer on 16 Jul 2021 |
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Кошки, как известно, одержимо ухаживают за собой, но иногда даже кошачьи начинают пахнуть. Вот как определить запах ...

How to help a cat with matted fur

 by jennifer on 11 Jun 2021 |
If your cat has mats in his fur, it may be a sign of a health problem. Here are some common reasons cats stop maintaining their coats.   How to help a cat with matted fur   Cats have around 130,000 hairs on each square inch of their bodies, which a...

Почему кошки бьют задними лапами?

 by jennifer on 11 May 2021 |
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Ваш кот пинает задними ногами? Удары кролика могут быть как признаком игры, так и агрессии. Вот как это сказать ...

When do I need to trim my cat’s claws?

 by jennifer on 23 Apr 2021 |
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It sounds ludicrous, but trimming your cat’s nails is possible. If your pet is shredding your furniture, it’s time to co...

Why do cats have a third eyelid and what does it mean if it’s showing?

 by jennifer on 12 Apr 2021 |
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Many pet parents don’t know their cats have a third eyelid. That’s because when it’s visible, it’s often a sign something’s wrong. Why do cats have a third eyelid and what does it mean if it’s showing? If you’re like most cat parents, you’ve seen ...

Why do cats purr?

 by jennifer on 19 Mar 2021 |
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We all associate purring with happy cats, but this sound can hold many meanings. Here’s how to decipher what your pet is...

Telltale signs of fatty liver disease in cats and how to treat them

 by jennifer on 12 Mar 2021 |
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Fatty liver disease is a serious condition that can be fatal for felines. Here are signs of the disease and ways to trea...

Are cat cafes good for cats?

 от bora 20 янв 2021 |
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Cat cafes are wildly popular among animal loves, but the business model is nuanced when it comes to treating resident felines right. Since the first cat café opened in in Taiwan 1998, the concept has become popular among feline aficionados across t...
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