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Вес Потеря Руководство для кошек

 по Вай на 12 марта 2014 |
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Is your feline friend beginning to look more like a pot-bellied pig than a cat?  It might be time to start a weight loss regimen.  Helping a cat lose weight will take patience and persistence, but will improve the overall health and well-being of your pet.

Cats lose weight the same way humans do.  There’s no secret science for either species.  Overall, your pet will need to eat less and exercise more.  If your cat currently controls the amount of food they receive, you’ll need to take note of how much food they eat in one 24-hour period.  If they are just overweight and don’t appear to be gaining or losing any weight, then the amount of food they are currently eating is considered their maintenance diet.  It’s just enough food for them to maintain their current weight.

Для того, чтобы изменить свой вес, вам просто нужно, чтобы начать контролировать количество пищи, которую они едят, уменьшая количество пищи, они получают каждый день, чтобы ниже уровня обслуживания. Если они в настоящее время съесть 2 чашек в день корма для кошек, а затем попробовать кормить их только 1.75 чашки. Хотя это, вероятно, все еще слишком много пищи для среднего взрослого кота, вы сможете постепенно шаг их вниз к здоровому весу. 

В то время как они находятся на малокалорийной диете, вы заметите их падение веса первоначально затем выровняется до стабильного веса. Это может занять до месяца между сокращением для кормления их вес стабилизируется. Продолжить, чтобы уменьшить их потребление пищи четверть стакана в то время, каждый раз, пока они не станут более здоровый вес. Большинство кошек потребуется 5-6 унций влажный корм для кошек в день. Для сухой корм для кошек, рекомендации для кормления, как правило, указаны на внешней стороне упаковки.


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Since different brands and types of cat food have different nutritional values, the amount of food they’ll need is brand-dependent.  Simply switching brands and feeding them the same amount can cause a cat to lose weight.  Some cat foods are high in fats and filler material while others are mainly lean meats.  While quality cat food is often more expensive, you’ll find that you don’t need to feed them as much of it to get the same nutritional value.

Aside from feeding habits that take in calories, you’ll also need to be aware of your cat’s overall calorie expenditure.  How active your pet is will play a big role in how much of that food they consume gets used in running around and climbing things and how much will go to fat storage.  If you have a house cat that spends all of their time indoors and much of it sleeping, then they will need at least 20% less food than the average cat.  Outdoor feral cats that hunt for food and are very active need much more food than the average cat to maintain their current weight.

As both calorie intake and export play a role in shaping the figure and health of your cat, you can manipulate one or the other to see positive results.  Increasing your cat’s time spent exercising has the same effect as decreasing their amount of food.  The only thing that is important at the end of the day is that the overall difference between the amounts of calories they take in and calories they use up is less than it was when they were overweight.  If you follow that simple formula, you’ll see positive results in your feline friend, and they’ll be on their way to a happier, healthier life.


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