16 кошек и собак готовы к сезону бикини
1. "Herrrrrroooo summer!"
2. "Bikini pose? Check."
3. "Life is better by the pool!"
4. «О, это старая вещь !?"
5. "Ура для лета!"
6. "Summertime, и живой легко."
7. "Bikini season is my favorite season."
9. "Does this print make me look fat?"
12. "Happiness is a day at the pool."
14. "I worked hard for this bikini body."
15. Nothing wrong with sporting a one-piece!
10. Somebody's fabulous!
11. Now that's an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini!
12. "Happiness is a day at the pool."
13. "I'm sexy and I know it."
14. "I worked hard for this bikini body."
15. Nothing wrong with sporting a one-piece!
16. "Простите, вы блокируете мое солнце!"