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How to talk to your dog

 Люси на 22 ноября 2017 года |
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То, что мы говорим нашим собакам, важно, но то, как мы говорим, имеет решающее значение. Наши тона и язык тела дают нашим питомцам подсказки о том, даем ли мы команды, исправляем плохое поведение или расточаем им хвалу за хорошо выполненную работу. Зная, какие сигналы вы даете своему питомцу, вы можете лучше общаться, уменьшать поведенческие проблемы и укреплять связь, которую вы разделяете с вашим пушистым другом.
One of the cardinal rules of talking to your dog is to offer commands in a strong, firm voice. The most effective way to give a command is to say your dog’s name first so he knows you’re speaking to him. Even before asking him to sit or stay, however, you should teach your dog to look at you when asked. To do this, trace a line from your pet’s eyes to yours using your pointer finger or a treat. Once your dog holds eye contact with you for several seconds, reward him with a praise and the treat. Be consistent when giving commands and always reinforce good behavior with plenty of praise. Dogs use body language to communicate, too, so be sure to stand tall and act confident when asking your pet to perform a command.
Of course, our pets don’t always listen. When correcting your dog’s misbehavior, use a lower-pitched tone and short-clipped words. Once Fido has learned what a command means, do not simply repeat the command, but instead correct him with “No” followed by the command. If your dog continues to ignore you, place him in the instructed position. When he’s done what you’ve asked, be sure to reward him with praise, speaking in tone that is enthusiastic— but not so much that it drives Fido into a frenzy.
Humans and dogs use a whole different series of body language and you should be aware of this when communicating with your pet, too. If you’re telling your dog to stop barking, for example, remain calm and stand tall—an overly excited owner giving this command will only send mixed messages to his pet. Be careful not to loom over your dog, lock him in direct eye contact, or grip him in a tight hug, which can be seen as threats. Greet your dog with a hand he can sniff rather than a pat on the head, which can give Fido the impression you’re about to strike him. If you have an anxious or timid pet, you can even try licking your lips or yawning while looking away, which are appeasement gestures in dog-speak, and speaking in a higher-pitched, soothing tone.


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