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Вот как укрепить уверенность вашей собаки

 Юнус 25 октября 2018 |
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Dogs that struggle with their confidence aren’t just harder to train; their quality of life suffers, too. There are a few tricks to overcome this issue.

Вот как укрепить уверенность вашей собаки

Just like humans, your dog’s sense of self-worth can be impacted by factors from his personality or a lack of socialization to stressful situations and past abuse. If your pet is wary when it comes to new situations, chances are he’s suffering from low confidence. Not only does a lack of self-esteem interfere with Fido’s quality of life, but it can lead to problems training your dog and other behavioral issues. Here are a few tips to help boost your pet’s self-esteem:
  1. Start simple: One tell-tale sign your dog is suffering from poor confidence is balking when he’s asked to learn something new. Low self-esteem makes training harder, so start with simple commands that will boost your pup’s confidence. Always use the same command for the same trick and be sure to lavish your pet with praise every time he gets the trick right. Practice often, and eventually you can move on to more difficult types of training like bath time.
  1. Stay positive: Dogs suffering from poor confidence already feel doubtful, so it’s important to avoid negative corrections whenever possible with your pet. Instead, focus on praising him for the things he does right. If your dog is afraid of new places, for example, don’t scold him for stopping mid-route on a walk; instead, praise him for taking a few steps forward. Dogs are experts at picking up on our emotions, so try not to show your frustration when working with a timid pet. 
  1. Дайте вашему питомцу что-то хорошее, чтобы помнить: каждый раз, когда вы формируете положительные ассоциации с чем-то, что вызывает у вас страх вашего питомца, вы принимаете участие в этом страхе. Будь то предложение, после того как он успешно совершает трюк или играет со своей любимой игрушкой во время прогулки в новое место, вы можете помочь своему питомцу преодолеть его беспокойство, дав ему что-то хорошее, чтобы вспомнить, столкнувшись с страшным событием.
If you’re not sure whether your dog is suffering from low confidence, look for signs such as following you obsessively, standing between you and an unfamiliar person, heavy panting or drooling in a new situation, and pacing or chewing at his tail or paws. Consider whether any changes in his environment may have triggered your dog’s stress, or if a past experience has shaped his anxiety. Once you’ve discovered the root of his fearfulness, you can begin working slowly and consistently with your pet to expose him to small amounts of the stressor, using positive reinforcement to work up to more intense versions of this trigger over time.


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